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Let's Talk Sustainability #1 - Kasey Emoto

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

In today's episode of Let's Talk Sustainability, we have invited Kasey Emoto to share her experiences volunteering with Malama Kauai, her interest in sustainability, her (almost) meeting the Dalai Lama, and many more exciting things all surrounding the topic of a sustainable lifestyle.

She was already featured in our COVID19 Video series earlier this year. Check out her video here!

This time, we went more in-depth and there were several Sustainable Development Goals we touched upon in our interesting conversation. From the connection between food and Zero Hunger (SDG 2), we also dug down to it's relevance to No Poverty (SDG 1), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11), Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12), and Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16).

Check out her story and let us know in the comments what you think!

If you want to be a guest on our show and chat about sustainability, please send us a message! We would be delighted to have you!

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